- Initially, for free registration to this offer, dial *999*1#. The subscriber needs to register only once during the validity period of the ongoing campaign
- This offer is for all Grameenphone prepaid users ( excluding Internet SIM, Flexiload Connection, Village Phone and PCO users)
- Upon registration subscriber will immediately receive free 5 MB data, 5 SMS and 5 MMS
- To subscribe for the offer after registration, the customer needs to firstly fulfill the everyday target. After fulfilling the target, with evert 1 Tk. voice call the customer will receive 100% GP-GP bonus talk time.
- Voice call refers to calls made through any local operators ( for example, GP-GP, GP-Other local operator, GP-Land phone/GP-NWD). International voice call, IVR call (for example: 121, 4000) Pay-For-Me, Voice SMS, Voice E-Mail, MY ZONE, during other ongoing campaigns/ receiving bonus from a currently ongoing campaign/Benefits or calls for receiving bundle benefits is not applicable
- To know the daily target the user has to check the SMSes from GP offer
- After registering once during the ongoing offer and after fulfilling the daily target, customer can then enjoy the bonus received
- The bonus Taka received from the offer is only applicable for GP-GP callers ( FnF, Super FnF and Community Tariff is not applicable) and the bonus period is until the day the bonus period ends ( as in until 11:59 PM)
- At this point, any customer enjoying talk time ( from the same bonus account) from any other campaign, their bonus period will also end at 11:59 PM.
- Customer can receive a maximum bonus amount of 5 taka.
- To know the bonus amount received, dial *566*8#
- To know the current usage, dial 857786# (free)
- This offer is valid for users who have activated their networks on 15th June, 2015 and who have been using from before
- This offer is applicable for local voicecalls from1:00 AM to 11:59 PM everyday
- If an ‘Amontron’ subscriber registers to the Instant bonus offer along with his/her ‘Amontron’ Start-Up offer and registers to this offer then the ‘Amontron’ Instant Bonus offer will no longer be applicable
- Calls which start today and end tomorrow are not applicable for this offer (For instance, if any such call starts at 11:59 PM and ends at 12:01 AM)
- Bonus will not be valid for call charges made from the main balance after the bonus amount has been spent.
- To unregister from the offer, dial *999*4# (effective within 72 hours)
- After unregistering from the offer, customer cannot reregister again
- On Fridays and Saturdays, get 100 GP-GP SMS free immediately upon fulfilling the daily targets. These SMS will be valid till the end of the day the bonus has been received (till 11:59 PM of the same day)
- To know the balance and validity of bonus SMS, dial *566*2# (free)
- To know the Internet balance and validity, dial *566*14# (free)
- 3% Subsidiary taxes valid on all charges. 15% VAT valid on total charges, inclusive of the Subsidiary tax.